What the charity does

The objectives of the Charity cover various causes and activities relevant to the interests of the Oldham family.  The first two objectives centre around education and in particular the promotion of education in the Maidstone area.  They specifically mention several schools which have particular relevance to the Oldham family as does Wadham College, Oxford.  The Charity is also looking to support the community and inhabitants of the Parishes of Barming and Teston an area to which the family have a close affinity.  Archaeology and history of the old County of Kent has been something close to the family and supporting work in this field including museums such as Maidstone Museum and historic buildings was of great interest to the family.


The Charity in its first years worked to form its endowment and the first grant was made in 2004 to finance the purchase of various artefacts wanted for the Maidstone Museum.  Grants have subsequently been awarded following application to the Charity, but the Trustees have also taken the initiative identifying worthwhile projects and the persons and organisations that could take these projects forward and inviting them to bring forward applications for grant aid.  Examples of Trustee initiatives include the refurbishment of the War Memorial Library at Maidstone Grammar School, the amphitheatre proposal for Holmesdale School, Snodland, research and publication of an academic study of Aylesford and Eccles in the first millennium and the refurbishment of the kitchens in Barming and Teston Village Halls.


In October 2021 the Trustees appointed a professional Clerk to administer the affairs of the Charity.